3 AAG Members in National Watermedia Exhibition
Three Anderson Artists Guild members—Teresa Anderson, Al Morris, and JoAnne Anderson—had works accepted for the South Carolina Watermedia Society’s 2022 National Exhibition. Their works are among 70 pieces in the show, which will open with a reception at 6:00 p.m. on August 27, 2022, at the South Carolina State Museum in Columbia and will close on January 8, 2023. The juror was Linda Daly Baker.
Here are our members’ reflections on their watercolor pieces:

Teresa Anderson’s Studying the Masters
“As a watercolor artist I’m taken by museum exhibits of the master artists. This painting was inspired by the Wyeth exhibit in Asheville earlier this year. The Wyeth family art displayed works by N.C. Wyeth to his grandkids. Quite a talented family! This painting represents me studying the masterful works.”

Al Morris’ Monet's Pond
“This is a scene that I found at Monet's Home in Giverny, France, during a recent visit. We had taken a tour of his iconic garden and the adjacent lily pond that is often featured in many of his paintings. Nestled in one end of the pond was a pirogue that may have been one of the original that he used. The setting with the light and dark of the bamboo and the reflections on the water made an idyllic picture. I hope that I was able to capture the scene as it was quite a peaceful location.”

JoAnne Anderson’s Blacksmith at Work
“The subject for this painting was from a photograph. I wanted to capture the intensity of his work and the amount of heat in the room. The fire in the hearth had to be ‘white hot’ – hot enough to soften the piece of iron that was to be molded on the forge. The iron must be held over the fire until it also becomes ‘white hot.’ The blacksmith begins shaping it, plunges it in a barrel of water to set the shape he has begun. This process continues until the desired shape is formed. I used Strathmore 400-ply Bristol board as the surface. It was toned with a mid-tone mixture of white w/c gouache, yellow ochre, raw sienna and naples yellow. After drawing the image, I began painting some darker areas with watercolor, next lifting out lighter areas with stiff brushes, paper towels, soft rags, etc. These steps were repeated and details put in until the painting started forming and finally said ‘stop’— the hardest thing to do!”
For more information, visit https://scwatermedia.com.